

ANZOÁTEGUI - BARCELONA//President Maduro asked to add at least one new voter to every 1x10

The first vice-president of the PSUV received the call President Nicolás Maduro
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 25/05/2024 06:08 PM

During a telephone contact with the march in his support held in Barcelona, Anzoategui state, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, asked all revolutionaries to add at least one new voter to their 1X10.

“We must add to our 1X10 those people who haven't voted for us. Because we are the true option of those who want peace, stability, social protection,” said the Head of State.

He also urged them to be ready for June 9, “we have to have the 1X10 machinery ready, we must add those who are unhappy or who have never even voted for us.”

“Those Venezuelans disappointed with that weak, manipulable position, dedicated to the gringos, which is divided, full of intrigue, I invite you to unite, hold hands and move forward together as free men and women,” said Maduro.

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