

Antonio Ricaurte: The New Granada resident who gave his life in defense of the Bolivarian project (+birth)

Antonio Ricaurte, a New Granada soldier who, together with Bolívar, fought for independence
Photo: Internet

Published at: 10/06/2024 08:53 AM

On June 10, 1786, Captain Antonio Ricaurte was born in the town of Villa de Leiva, a New Granada soldier who, together with Bolívar, fought for the independence of our America, standing out for his courage and determination in the fight against the Spanish Empire.

This hero participated in the battles that were fought between centralists and federalists in the First Republic of Colombia, where he accompanied Antonio Nariño, obtaining victory. Already in 1813, this revolutionary joined the liberation army that the then Brigadier Simón Bolívar was preparing to deploy the Admirable Campaign, which ended in victory in July of that same year.

Alongside the Liberator, Ricaurte fought important battles that were decisive for the sweep carried out by the patriot army in this war, which allowed him to regain freedom to found what is known today as the Second Republic.

The courageous New Granada fighter died on March 25, 1814, in San Mateo, Aragua state, where he was guarding the weapons park of the liberating army. The story goes that Ricaurte, when surrounded by the forces of the realist army, blew himself up when the gunpowder ignited, causing casualties among the Spaniards who were soon defeated by the liberating troops.

237 years after the birth of this hero, the Venezuelan people honor the memory of an example of a people fighting against an oligarchy that continues to deplete the wealth of a Colombia that is dominated by imperialism.

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