

Ángel Custodio Loyola: El Cantor del Llano (+birth)

This great representative of Llanera music also ventured into radio, television and cinema

Published at: 04/09/2024 08:03 AM

On September 4, 1926, the lands west of Guárico state shook when they saw the birth of Cantor del Llano, Ángel Custodio Loyola, a tough Venezuelan who was nourished by the nature of the people who saw him grow, live and work.

Since childhood, Loyola was inclined to the art of singing, he listened to and admired chopleros relancinos such as the mentioned Eliseo Flores, Manuel Pérez Acosta, Juan de la Cruz “CucúPérez, Ricardo Acevedo, and others who were improvised singers of local fame. This prompted him to represent the genre Fuerte Llanero with great pride.

El Tigre de Masaguarito , as Loyola called himself throughout the Venezuelan plain, began his musical career joining the group of the teacher and composer Juan Vicente Torrealba, and then forming his own group, with which he toured the entire national territory to leave an indelible mark with his songs and llaneros verses.

This great representative of Llanera music also ventured into radio, television and cinema, a fact that catapulted him as a popular artist in other nations in the South American latitude. Among his most emblematic songs are: Cajón de Arauca Apureño, María Laya, Catira Marmoleña, Tierra Negra, El Gavilán, among other hits.

Without a doubt, as a friend and admirer of his once said: “Loyola was a tireless halter, of national singing, you took first place, doing it with care. You are an eternal pioneer, very difficult to forget, you will be an example to emulate, in space, in time, and with pure feeling, we come to remember you”.

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