

AN repudiated attempted invasion against Venezuela through Operation Gideon

The agreement was approved unanimously
Photo: AN

Published at: 08/05/2024 10:59 AM

The National Assembly (AN) approved, in its plenary session this Tuesday, an agreement rejecting the terrorist plan called “Operation Gideon” with which the Venezuelan right wing, with the support of foreign mercenaries, attempted an invasion against the country.

The said agreement was proposed by the deputy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Manuel Hernández, and it highlights the rapid action of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), the security forces, and the Venezuelan people, thwarted terrorist and mercenary actions that sought to attack political leaders and assault the Miraflores Palace.

Likewise, actions orchestrated by the governments of the United States of America and Colombia, together with sectors of the Venezuelan extreme right to violate peace and constitutional order, through acts of violence, are rejected.

In this regard, Hernández, during his speech, recalled that on May 1, 2019, when leaving the Colombian Goajira, two boats were surprised by patriotic soldiers in the Macuto sector, La Guaira state, who set off alarms on all coasts of the country with Operation “Black First” and the organized people.

He added that the second boat, made up of eight mercenaries, was arrested in the town of Chuao, Aragua state, thanks to the civic-military union, which imperialism has always underestimated. “They didn't realize that there is an organized people here, that the sons of Bolívar and Chávez are prepared to defend their homeland,” he said.

He also highlighted that the fugitive from justice, Juan Guaidó, signed a contract for 212 million dollars with the foreign company Silvercorp, led by Jordán Goudreau, to sell the country's natural resources, as established in one of the clauses. “It also contemplated the incorporation of former Venezuelan soldiers who were traitors to the Homeland, Colombian paramilitaries and former North American soldiers,” he stressed.

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