

AN receives proposal on protection for pet caretakers

Pérez stressed that animal protection movements, organizations, foundations and associations have been reunited as a great movement in the country.
AN Press

Published at: 14/03/2024 10:45 AM

The second vice-president of the National Assembly (AN), representative América Pérez (PSUV/Nueva Esparta), reported that one of the demands in the public consultation of the Law for the Decent Treatment and Recognition of the Rights of Companion Animals, is the protection of animal caretakers.

The information was released by the parliamentarian during the public consultation, which took place this Wednesday at the Aquiles Nazoa Cultural House, where she explained that the protectionists of these beings are often victims of violence by animal aggressors.

Pérez pointed out that the law contemplates many novel elements and, through public consultation and joint work, they will be incorporated into the text. “May the law be the demand and demand of all Venezuelan women and men who believe that a better world is possible. And as our Commander Chávez said, the capacity to love is infinite,” said the assemblywoman.

The deputy thanked the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, for his presence and participation in this consultation, highlighting his work from the Public Ministry, with the care and protection of pets and sentient beings.

At the same time, he said that the Prosecutor has been the promoter of the Act, and that the entire animal protection community feels vindicated and accompanied in this fight every time he makes it public on social networks.

Finally, Pérez stressed that animal protection movements, organizations, foundations and associations have been reunited as a great movement in the country.