

AN began public consultation on the Organic Law for the defense of Guiana Esequiba

The National Assembly plans to approve the Act next week
Photo: Internet

Published at: 07/12/2023 12:20 PM

The National Assembly (AN) began this Thursday the public consultation process to discuss with the different social sectors of the Venezuelan people the Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Esequiba.

During the debate held at the Federal Legislative Palace, the first vice-president of the AN, Pedro Infante, explained that the Constitution has been the one that has marked the route to follow for the defense of the Essequibo, providing instruments such as the consultative referendum, in addition to being clear on what are the country's territorial limits.

“This instrument must be one of permanent debate, we have to read this law because it draws the route, the path to take for the defense of the Essequibo, so the debate must be present in all spaces,” he said, referring to the Organic Law that is under discussion.

In this regard, he stressed that this law must be known and appropriate by all the people so that the Executive can apply it in depth to ensure the defense of our Guiana Essequiba.

He also explained that, on instructions from the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, the aforementioned legal instrument must be approved by next week, so he called on legislators and public institutions to be actively involved in the discussion of the Law.

He also congratulated the efforts of the Head of State and the Venezuelan people, Nicolás Maduro, to make the campaign for Yes a success and for the inhabitants of Venezuela to be clear about this territorial controversy and because we must defend the Essequibo.

It is important to note that this legal instrument was approved, this Wednesday, unanimously by the deputies that make up the Legislative Branch.

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