

AN approved the Pensions Bill and created a Commission to expedite its sanction next Tuesday

The project was approved by a “very qualified majority,” Rodríguez reported
AN Press

Published at: 02/05/2024 08:04 PM

The National Assembly (AN), in regular session, approved this Thursday, May 2, the bill for the Protection of Social Security Pensions against the Imperialist Blockade, in the first discussion of the rule and announced the creation of a Joint Commission to expedite its legislative sanction as quickly as possible.

“That this law be sanctioned next Tuesday,” urged the president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, in accordance with the provisions of Article 204 number 1 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, after the presentation and right to speak of the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, who went to the Federal Legislative Palace together with a significant representation of the Working Class, on behalf of President Nicolás Maduro.

“We appointed a Joint Commission composed of the Permanent Committee on Social Development and Economy, after the debate and the law is approved in the first discussion, so that it can be declared in a permanent session for consultation and brought to the second discussion and possible sanction,” explained the Bolivarian deputy.

During the debate, the deputy of the Bolivarian Bloc, Oswaldo Vera, specified that the Pension Protection Act proposes the contribution of the private sector as one of the fundamental elements, which is to recover pensions for the Venezuelan people. He added that the State defends the most vulnerable.

For its part, the opposition block, the deputy Luis Eduardo Martínez, announced its full support for this law and willingness to debate and improve it, even because it represents demands to former Venezuelan workers.

At the time the first discussion was put to the vote, only one deputy voted against it, while the rest of the parliamentarians approved the bill by a “very qualified majority,” Jorge Rodríguez reported.

The president of the AN specified that the head of state, Nicolás Maduro, is working to recover the Welfare State that Commander Hugo Chávez had achieved in more than two hundred years, a social conquest that was stolen by the opposition leaders who, yesterday and today, are asking for “sanctions” against the Venezuelan people from the imperial regime that governs the United States.

“Venezuela has demonstrated that it loves its freedom and independence, all the United States has to do is lift its sanctions,” the parliamentarian claimed.

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