

AN approved report of the Special Commission on the participation of political parties in the theft of Citgo

The report mentions the individuals and parties responsible for the theft, Infante said
AN Press

Published at: 22/10/2024 06:07 PM

The National Assembly (AN), this Tuesday, October 22, unanimously approved the Final Report of the Special Commission to Investigate the Participation of Political Parties and Representatives of the 2016-2021 Legislature, in the Dispossession and Theft of the Venezuelan Company Corporación Petrolera Citgo.

During the regular session held at the Federal Legislative Palace, the above-mentioned report was presented by the first vice-president of the AN, Pedro Infante, who in his presentation stressed that “criminal responsibility must be determined, at the individual level, of all those involved, as well as of the political parties, their board of directors and the NGOs that are involved in this investigation”.

Infante proposed sending the report to the Autonomous Service of Registries and Notaries (Saren), in order to identify the property and property records of those responsible, in order to apply the laws of extinction of ownership and the protection of assets abroad.

He also proposed applying measures for damages to the Republic before the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), where he requested a ban on alienating and taxing assets in Venezuela, as well as freezing the bank accounts of all those involved in the dispossession and theft of CITGO.

He also urged the Attorney General's Office to request arrest warrants against those involved and the Comptroller's Office to initiate the determination of administrative responsibility and the political disqualification of members of the false interim government supported by extreme opposition parties.

In this regard, he said that the report mentions the individuals and parties responsible for the theft, such as “First Justice, Popular Will, the MUD, Democratic Action, the supposed president of the Assembly of the extreme opposition Dinorah Figuera, José Ignacio Hernández, Juan Guaidó, María Corina Machado, Henry Ramos Allup, among others; also the NGOs that received funding to commit illegal acts and participated in the dispossession and theft of CITGO; some were the I Love Venezuela Foundation, the Pan American Development Foundation, among others.”

For his part, the president of the AN, Jorge Rodríguez, stressed that all political, administrative and criminal responsibilities must be established immediately. “The great importance of this report is that it is a deep, meticulous investigation and that everyone's responsibilities in this gigantic corruption scheme are clear,” he said.

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