

AN approved Legislative Agenda 2024 with bills adjusted to Plan 7T

In total, there are 26 laws contemplated in the 2024 legislative period
AN Press

Published at: 30/01/2024 08:31 PM

The National Assembly (AN) unanimously approved the Legislative Agenda for 2024, adjusted to the National Transformation Plan (Plan 7T) presented by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, aimed at promoting prosperity and recovering the welfare state of the People.

During the regular session, held at the Federal Legislative Palace, the president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodríguez, indicated that in the first change, referring to the transformation and modernization of the economy, the draft Law for the Promotion of Non-Oil Exports, the Organic Law of the Communal Economic System, was signed, a press release published on the AN website.

He also mentioned the Law for the Development and Production of Craft Beer, the Cocoa Act, the Organic Law for the Protection of Socioeconomic Projects and the Digital Commerce Act.

He thanked the Board of Directors of the AN, and the presidents of the standing committees, for achieving a consensus in directing the legislative plan based on the second line of the transformation project, referring to the full independence of the country.

At this point, the draft Laws on the Control, Regularization, Action and Financing of Non-Governmental and Related Organizations; the Partial Reform of the Law on the Protection and Defense of Cultural Heritage; and the Special Law for the Safeguarding and Generational Transmission of Ancestral Wisdom for Indigenous Boys and Girls are proposed.

Regarding the third transformation, linked to the deepening of internal security, peace and territorial security, the AN promotes the discussion of the draft Organic Law for the Defense of Guiana Essequiba, the Reform of the Law on the Justice System, the Law of Truth and Historical Memory on Human Rights, and the Law on the Inspection of Courts.

In the transformation to promote the development of a humanistic model for the protection of the People of Venezuela, the Organic Law for Women's Equality, and the Organic Law for Equality and Integration for Integral Development for People with some type of Disability, are proposed.

Rodríguez specified that there are 26 laws contemplated in the 2024 legislative period, and that it is not an impediment to new bills being included in the debate.

He considered that this proposal is a guide that serves to move forward and comply with the legislative plan.

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