

AN approved agreement to commemorate Labor Day

The AN approved by a majority an agreement for Workers' Day
Photo: AN

Published at: 30/04/2024 04:48 PM

The plenary of the National Assembly (AN) approved, this Tuesday, a draft agreement commemorating May 1, the International Day of Women Workers.

The agreement was presented by Deputy Will Rangel, who stressed that the country's working class will mobilize this Wednesday to reject attacks on the country and demonstrate that in Venezuela there is a conscious and judicious working class.

In this regard, he assured that the country's workers will massively support President Nicolás Maduro on July 28 so that he can continue to guarantee the historic struggles of the working class.

“In the workers' majority, we are going to ensure that the President can produce the necessary policies to defeat the coercive measures, corruption and despair that traitors have produced within the Bolivarian Revolution,” he said while stressing that surnames will never govern the country again.

For her part, in an angry speech, the deputy Eglee Sánchez, rebuked the opposition to stop manipulating the People and trying to use the consequences of the economic blockade against the country to attack the Revolutionary Government.

“We workers resist and are going to continue resisting because we believe in President Nicolás Maduro. You, the opposition, don't pretend that we're going to believe you, don't come with your hypocrisy and demagoguery,” he stressed.

In the same way, he stressed that the working class keeps working, fighting, to move the country forward. “Tomorrow we are going to march because we are going to accompany Nicolás Maduro, we are going to support the workers' president and that is the hope of the people,” he stressed.

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