

Amoroso: 51.1 percent of the electoral roll gave victory to Yes in a consultative referendum

Elvis Amoroso, president of the National Electoral Council (CNE)
Photo: Internet

Published at: 06/12/2023 02:31 PM

51.1 percent of the country's electoral roll, representing 10 million 555,092 voters, gave an overwhelming victory to the yes option in the consultative referendum in defense of the Essequibo, the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, reported in the last electoral bulletin.

Amoroso reported that during the consultation on the question “Do you agree to reject, by all means, in accordance with the law, the line fraudulently imposed by the Paris Arbitration Award of 1899, which seeks to strip us of our Guiana Essequiba? The Yes option obtained 10 million 515 thousand 445 votes for 98% of the votes in favor, while the No option got 210,329 votes.

Meanwhile, in the question, do you support the Geneva Agreement of 1966 as the only valid legal instrument to achieve a practical and satisfactory solution for Venezuela and Guyana, regarding the dispute over the territory of Guiana Esequiba? The Yes option won 10 million 322 thousand 718 votes for 98.27 percent and No 181 thousand 725 for 1.73%.

In the question, do you agree with Venezuela's historical position of not recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice to resolve the territorial dispute over Guiana Essequiba? 10 million 132 thousand 099 of the votes were obtained by the Yes option for 96.35%, while the No option obtained 384,321 votes for 3.65%.

While in the question, do you agree to oppose, by all means, in accordance with the law, Guyana's claim to unilaterally dispose of a pending sea to be delimited, illegally and in violation of international law? Yes won 10 million 134 thousand 189 votes for 96.37% and No got 381 thousand 770 votes for 3.63%.

As for the question, do you agree with the creation of the Guayana Esequiba state and that an accelerated plan be developed for comprehensive care for the current and future population of that territory, including, among others, the granting of Venezuelan citizenship and identity card, in accordance with the Geneva Agreement and International Law, thus incorporating this state into the map of Venezuelan territory? The affirmative option obtained 10 million 70 thousand 255 or 96.37% of the votes, while the negative proposal got 379 thousand 397 or 3.63%.

In this regard, Amoroso indicated that this result was issued after counting 99.89 percent of the votes cast in the popular consultation on December 3.

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