

Alone in oblivion! Learn about La Sayona's plans in desperation for the betrayal of Edmundo González

Maria With Ira Machado and Edmundo González
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 11/09/2024 10:42 PM

September 09, 2024

Place: In the same place with Cori, waiting for you to come and get her where you already know.

Patriota del Valle Arriba Country Club Hello

! How are you my Gordis? I'm still super stunned, since Saturday I keep wiping away Cori's tears, she can't get over the betrayal of my uncle Inmundo and to be honest, the very alive one left us all behind, please! , but my gordis, Uncle Inmundo left me a secret letter, let's see if I dare to tell you little by little because you don't keep a secret.

My coconut nougat, in several of my letters and on different occasions I have told you about my feeling of being on the Titanic when it is sinking, well my gordis! , it's no longer a sensation, in reality the ship sank, but Cori and those who follow him don't admit it.

With the escape of my uncle, a new novel begins. Cori, who is very spiteful, will continue to insist on walking until January 10 with my uncle, but she will never forget the weight of betrayal. My tamarind flan, it was 10:50pm on Saturday, Cori was smoking when the news came to her, I won't tell you more because the screams were heard all over Caracas.

God! , When my uncle left, Cori didn't talk to him for two days, in fact, Cori's last fight with my uncle Inmundo was the day of the prosecution because Cori didn't agree with the letter or with recognizing the prosecutor, by the way, that day Cori almost died of a heart attack and told my uncle Inmundo like a coward up, darling! , but that's nothing, my gordis! , it turns out that when Magali Meda found out, she spoke terrible things about my uncle Inmundo until she couldn't, she said that he was a weakling, a slacker, an ungrateful person, that he was nobody without Cori and that since July 28 he had not contributed anything to the fight.

My Mango Jelly, I'll tell you I'll tell you what my uncle told me in his farewell letter. He began talking to me about Cori's mistreatment, so much so that my uncle confessed to me that in the campaign Cori mistreated my aunt Mercedes many times and that was unacceptable to him. He told me that Cori wanted to give it to the Americans through Panama, but that he preferred to go with the Spanish. My filthy uncle told me that he got tired of Cori imposing on him what he was going to say, what he was going to read and until I signed for him, because helllooooou! Cori has the digital signature of Uncle Inmundo, that is, Cori can make any document or publication in the name of my uncle Inmundo and no one will know if it was him or not.

My pretty eyes, something that struck me in my uncle's letter, is that he knew that being by Cori's side would only precipitate the end of his life. God! , don't tell anyone, but my uncle has had episodes of Alzheimer's. It turns out that my uncle is afraid and so am I, that in the episodes that give him where he forgets everything, Cori, Ledezma, Leopoldo or any of them will make him say, do or affirm things that he is not sure.

Speaking of involuntary things, God! You have to be really crazy to read a letter on behalf of your dad knowing that he didn't write it and he didn't publish it, because we all know that my uncle Inmundo's access to social networks is held by Cori and her collaborators, in fact, the only times my uncle wrote a post on Twitter was to say swear words and mess with women, homosexuals and blacks.

My sour grapefruit candy, it turns out that the letter that my cousin Carolina read yesterday in Madrid, was written by Antonio Ledezma, not by my uncle Inmundo! , yesterday's show in Madrid was a very poorly staged show, but it's also the prelude to what you'll see from now on.

My meat patty with bread. You should know that my cousin Carolina is not a fool and dreams of being the President's daughter, unlike Mariana who is her sister but has more human qualities, Carolina is willing to operate with all the opposition vermin found in Spain to manipulate my uncle, in other words, Carolina will be the new puppet.

The truth is that now Venezuelan politics has moved to Madrid and they can't imagine the headache that comes their way, meanwhile, Cori feels that she's left alone and I'm about to buy her some friends on the Mercado Libre page. Cori told me that she wants to expand her environment and asked me to work on a plan that is called “everything that adds up”, under that scheme it will bring in several political scammers, she is looking for ex-chavistas, former soldiers, and even Ecarri was sent or will send a message to join the club of Cori's friends.

Cori is so desperate, that for her any cockroach, with the forgiveness of cockroaches, is necessary, of course, except for the First Justice of Capriles and the UNT of Rosales, Cori told me that she hates them.
My little bit about Coco, today Cori's biggest effort is not on the street because she knows she doesn't fill a single cable car, so she's going to concentrate on communication to try to maintain the perception of strength and prevent people from ending up being disappointed, by the way, for network attacks they have now activated a man named Mestre, please knock on the door, visit him, take him to the movies, my gordis! Tun, tun, if you don't open it I'll give you another address.

Diosdado José, listen to me! Cori is crying out for blood and violence. His international allies have told him that as long as Venezuela remains at peace, that as long as restaurants and beaches are full, and people go out to work doing their lives with total peace of mind, it will be very difficult to make the ICC and the world believe that Venezuela requires urgent intervention. That is why Cori, with the help of Magali and his allies, are designing what they call a “bomb plan”, that is, that a major act of violence occurs that activates the street or generates instability. This is supposed to be the task of the commandos, but most of them have stopped responding since they appointed you minister, so Cori asked Magali to use the money they sent from Salvador and Colombia to hire people who belong to criminal gangs, pending and then don't say I didn't warn you.

God, this is the toxic time. My Pumalaca candy! , with my uncle Inmundo in asylum in Spain, Cori and what little team he has left, decided to work on five tasks:

First, to work to convince my uncle Inmundo that he should be sworn in on January 10 before AN2015 and once sworn in, my uncle would have to appoint Cori vice-president and he would resign for her to take office. What Cori doesn't know is that Ledezma, Otero and Leopoldo, each on their own, will be trying the same thing.

Second, to increase suffocation and the international blockade by using the UN, the OAS, the CARICOM and the ICC as Trojan horses to justify and provoke an intervention on Venezuelan soil. For this to happen, it is necessary to create a “Cassius Beli”, just like in Iraq when they invented that weapons of mass destruction existed and justify the invasion. In our case, the themes they will use are: Human Rights, Drugs, Violence and Chaos to show an ungovernable country that requires intervention.

Third, to increase the tone of the countries allied to the plan of opposition extremism, mainly Panama, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay and Argentina.

Fourth, since they have failed to move forward with the internal boycott of the military, their families and government leaders, they decided to besiege and pressure key countries such as Colombia, Brazil and Mexico.

Fifth, to move forward with plans to destabilize the country with truly violent acts that make it possible to sell the idea of the “Failed State” and at the same time force a response from the government to give more strength to the lie that there is a massive violation of human rights in Venezuela. These surgical attacks, planned by Cori and its national and international allies, will target the general civilian population and will include some family members, members of the military and government leaders.

I'm leaving you, Cori is screaming.

I write to you and I feel like in the movie Lady and the Wanderer, I'm a princess and you're a crab. Miss me, remember that you are my baby Fiufiu.