

Alone and without friends! Learn why Leopoldo López, Rafael Ramírez and Manuel Rosales are square without La Sayo

The Sayo looks like a drifting ship
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 26/06/2024 09:45 PM

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024.

Mérida, Posada el Andino, diagonally to Plaza Bolívar where there is a filthy Maduro fence.

What was Diosdado? How are you my dear brother? Primo, as I told you last week, María Corina, alias “La Sayo, called me to accompany her on her tour of Mérida and Táchira. Since you told me not to leave her alone, I grabbed my tricolor bag, put in some underwear, a change of clothes and I came, the bad thing was that I forgot to put a jacket in because it's colder here than in a penguin communion. Brother, remember that you can't say any of this to mom because she thinks that I'm walking around the country with you assembling the structures of the 1X10X7 of the PSUV to guarantee the victory of Super Mustache on 28 July.

Diosdado I don't know why, but Sayo loves that I ride in the van with her on all her tours, the girl says that I make her laugh a lot with the jokes I can think of, and well brother, I take the opportunity to find out everything. Buckle up because I have more information for you than Google and Wikipedia combined, but don't say anything about this to anyone, you act dumb like Bernardo, the fox's friend.

The first call I heard along the way was a telephone conversation between La Sayo and her colleague Magalli Meda, who by a certain brother, is now called a “surgeon” because she works from the Argentinian embassy more than the doctors at the University Hospital of Maracaibo. Well cousin, in the conversation Magalí confessed to María Corina her concern about the new CNE regulations on the accreditation of electoral witnesses, which state that members and witnesses must be compulsory voters of the voting center, but La Sayo once again confirmed to Magalli not to worry about that issue, that there is no time to cover all the voting centers and that she will continue to concentrate on touring to sell herself as the great voter over Edmundo González himself, alias “Chespirito”.

La Sayo reminded her comrade Magalli that, if the election results of July 28 are not favorable, she will not recognize them, she will sing fraud and make street calls to defend the votes. Faced with María Corina's response, Magalli feigned insanity and locked the phone. Cousin, first time I've ever felt Magalli so worried.

Diosdado, what I'm about to inform you is even more delicate, get ready. The second call María Corina received was to inform her about the details of what happened with Oscar Figuera and Enrique Márquez, alias “the card seller at the CNE”. Primo, it turns out that until Saturday everything was ready for the PCV of the impostors, that of Oscar Figuera, to leave with the pussy that he spends his time shouting like the Old Woman with Mangos, Antonio Ecarri, alias “Ecarrito”, but Leopoldo López, alias the “prince of Salamanca” spoke to his partner the traitor Rafael Ramírez, brother you are reading well! Rafael Ramírez was the one who set up the operation so that the PCV of Figuera would support Enrique Márquez and not Ecarrito.

Primo, this rip uncovered other twinkles. It turns out that the relationship between Leopoldo López and Rafael Ramírez is old, so much so that one of María Corina's assistants told me that Carlos Vecchio was one of those who spoke up there with the gringos so that they wouldn't sanction Rafael Ramírez. Brother, it's not a secret that Ramírez and Leopoldo have been conspiring to hit Super Mustache, so cousin is that I don't believe anything in those who call themselves Chavistas, but they make a pact with the opposition extremism that sanctioned the country. Brother, they are more counterfeit than a 15 dollar bill printed in Colombia with ink purchased on Alibaba.

Malay, surely you are wondering why Leopoldo López, alias “the prince of Salamanca” would be supporting Márquez? , aha take out pen and paper. Firstly, because it is a move between Leopoldo and his partner Ramírez; secondly, I have heard La Sayo fight several times with Leopoldo López for political leadership and for the cobres, besides, La Sayo knows that Leopoldo has always called her “the crazy one”. Since La Sayo has threatened Leopoldo to break off relations with him because the issue of CITGO hurts his image, so Leopoldo is securing a “plan b” with Márquez, that is, “the Prince of Salamanca” is playing both ways, on the one hand, supporting Chespirito, and on the other the card seller at the CNE, Enrique Márquez.

Diosdado, listen to me cousin, Enrique Márquez is receiving coffers from Rafael Ramírez to stay in the campaign and maintain his digital media El Político, that is, Márquez alias “the card seller”, ended up being Rafael Ramírez's hidden piece to play with María Corina Machado and Leopoldo López, then don't say I didn't warn you.

Diosdado, another atomic bomb that I have for you is that a spring set fire broke out between La Sayo and Ramón Guillermo Aveledo, alias “Mango Aguado” because María Corina found out that the platform “Edmundo UNITES Us” run by the “Club de los Abollado”, including: Aveledo, Eduardo Fernández, Hiram Gaviria and company, presented Inmundo González with a list of names so that he can form his government cabinet if he wins on July 28. Diosdado, I am locating the list of these names for you to take out in El Mazo, the only condition I put on you is that you don't tell anyone that I sent it to you so that these people would not distrust me. Primo, the veguero between Sayo and the “Grupo de los Abolllas” over the control of Chespirito stings and spreads, obviously I'll keep you updated.

Diosdado, I'm going to give you another blow, because aside from the headache that the “Club of the Dents” is giving La Sayo for the control of Inmundo, a new internal confrontation is coming in the opposition because “The Philosopher of Zulia”, Manuel Rosales, will continue to tour the country doing acts in support of Chespirito in parallel to those of María Corina and without her authorization. Rosales' next event supporting Inmundo will be this weekend in Bolivar state and he has more events planned in other states of the country to make La Sayo uncomfortable. Brother, La Sayo has this information because it is leaked to her by Nora Bracho, alias “The Second Comrade”.

Well brother I'm leaving you because this cold that it's getting here can't be endured. Diosdado so that you know that I love you more than a super special arepa cabimera, with plenty of chips, tartar sauce, an extra serving of tequeños and a jug of Panela juice with lemon filled with ice.