

All Hands to the Seed: An Effort for Food Sovereignty in Carabobo Schools

My Conuco Carlos Lanz School Program is being promoted in educational institutions

Published at: 22/03/2024 07:51 PM

During a visit to the state of Carabobo, the head of the Ministry of the Popular Power of Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), Jhoanna Carrillo, participated in an assembly with teachers from the All Hands to Sowing program, in the Ezequiel Zamora Network of Popular Agroecology Schools, in the municipality of Naguanagua, to learn about the progress of the My Conuco School Carlos Lanz program, in the entity.

In this regard, Yoli Barrios, state spokesperson for the technical teams of the All Hands in the Seed program in the state of Carabobo, said that there are currently some 1,600 educational institutions of all levels and modalities, from the initial level with the maternal stage to the adult modality.

“All these institutions are in the process of registering on the link of the My Conuco Carlos Lanz School Brigade. There are currently 1,264 institutions already registered and verified. We are on track to reach 100% of the registry and there are 688 institutions that are consolidated with this program,” he added.

Barrios explained that the consolidated ones have planting; fertilizer production, harvest and adding it to the School Feeding Program (PAE).

The work here is not only to promote My Conuco Escolar Carlos Lanz in educational institutions, but also that each institution has registered at least 15 to 20 productive spaces at the point and circle of that institution, that is, that courtyard of that family, of that community, of that teacher, of that representative, of all those who live in the institution's environment, as agro-urban producers,” he said.

For his part, Germán Padrón, spokesman for the Heroes of Canaima 4F Village, took the opportunity to explain the process for the consolidation of this village, where they are already 18 years old. “We have four fronts of work, three are productive and one is educational. Thanks to Commander Chávez, it is a completely open institution.

For her part, Jhoanna Carrillo, head of the MINPPAU, expressed a few words of thanks to each of the teachers for their presence at that assembly and expressed each of the difficult stages that the people of Venezuela have been going through with the economic war and coercive measures since 2015.

President Nicolás Maduro knows that the people are organizing themselves, that they are doing things, that they are not leaving them alone in the struggle, in the resistance and in the future, with Venezuelan youth integrated into food production, he said.

The occasion was propitious for the Minister to learn about the productive experience of the Mahanaim AXC evangelical Christian church, located in the Valencia municipality of the state of Carabobeña, where she observed the breeding of rabbits, pigs and cachamas, as well as the production of short-cycle vegetables.

Rafael González, socio-productive spokesperson and pastor of the said church, explained his development and entrepreneurship of Urban Agriculture, said that his space also corresponds to the training area, so that the population can take advantage of their knowledge. “Every day people come to work here, they know what daily life is like, to advance productive development.”

For his part, Alan Delgado, director of the MINPPAU in the entity, assured that this space is expected to be designed as an educational classroom for the urban planning of the Venezuela Housing Mission, together with the village teachers and the Committee on Religious Affairs of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela.

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