All for oil! Learn how Exxon Mobil is leading the offensive against Venezuela supported by extremism
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Published at: 12/03/2025 09:49 PM
March 12th, 2024
The Hamilton Restaurant - One Block from Pennsylvania Avenue
Turning left from the White House.
Washington, D.C.
Helloooo my friend Furrialeño. How are you? You can't imagine how I enjoyed the carnivals in La Guaira, even if the stateless extremists say they're for niches, I from high society enjoyed my vacation there in peace and quiet, but then I'll tell you in detail because El Coquito gets angry when I leave it in evidence, then I'll give you the photos.
Brother! , that I had to return quickly to Washington from Diosdado Cabello because a multi-million dollar international operation was carried out to attack Venezuela, our president Nicolás Maduro and to attack, once again, the well-being of our people.
Come on, to the point.
The American oil company ExxonMobil is financing an exaggerated lobby against our country, and for this reason it is working hand in hand with factors of Venezuelan extremism, namely María Corina Machado and her band; they are also operating with senior officials of the Trump administration and with the congressmen of the Miami worm farm, read María Elvira Salazar, Carlos Giménez and Mario Diaz-Balart, who end up doing the dirty work that Marco Rubio cannot do, Be understood, Little Marco.
Diosdado, ExxonMobil is well aware of the fall to Venezuela's corrupt opposition. In the past, it had financed and negotiated the transfer of Venezuelan wealth with the Narnia government of Juanito Alimaña, through the former criminal Carlos Vecchio. Later, ExxonMobil jumped into the arms of La Sayo in the hope of being able to carry out a coup d'etat in Venezuela and continue with its plan to appropriate the wealth of our land, but ExxonMobil knows that María Corina is not a leader because she has more likes on social networks than people of flesh and blood on the street, but they are still willing to continue playing with her, because they badly or well need a face.
The ExxonMobil plan is based on a sadistic strategy that encompasses several lines: official lobbying in the United States and different countries; empowering new voices and new actors; a new communication strategy that reaches mainly decision makers and not the masses.
The new phase of ExxonMobil's communication plan, with respect to Venezuela, began with La Sayo's interview with Don Jr. , the son of Donald Trump, let's remember that, “without tricks or tricks, the deck doesn't deceive”, we warn that this space was not free, but paid for. This interview was managed by the so-called “Crazy Cubans” so that the criminal María Corina Machado publicly dictated the discursive line about how “Venezuela represents a threat to the security of the United States”, that is, according to María Corina, everyone who has a card or passport that says “VENEZUELAN” represents a threat to gringos. Brother! With this podcast, Sayo began a very meticulous program that they will seek to develop in the coming weeks in an attempt to undermine the peace of our country.
I have always told our beat-viewers that the only thing that moves the stateless opposition is money. Goddess! , we must remember that La Sayo was left in the air after the cancellation of USAID funds, but its new face, its energy injection, its gestures very different from those of 20 days ago, is not due to the effects of Botox, but because of the injection of money that María Corina Machado is receiving from ExxonMobil.
If you pay attention to her, over the past two weeks María Corina has been doing everything she can to appear on the screens of whatever tiktoker, pseudo influencer or media outlet she can, even if it's a poor death, and she does it not just to position herself, but to benefit the interests of ExxonMobil. When people hear María Corina Machado or Edmundo González speak, they are not listening to them, but to the company that wants to end the Bolivarian Revolution in order to appropriate the Essequibo and our wealth.
Brother, in this sense, I confirm that a few days ago La Sayo hired a renowned international marketing agency to establish a new media strategy and advance the FRONT LINE OF THIS SADISTIC PLAN, which consists of placing new voices that accompany Sayo's narratives under a different approach.
It turns out that the enemies of our country understand the need to stage new voices in the face of the obvious and notorious repudiation that the Trump administration feels towards the leaders of the extremist and stateless opposition in Venezuela because of their extensive history of corruption, deception and incapacity. This new communication approach seeks to access and have an impact on the United States Congress, the White House and other important spaces, but not through the face of Juan Guaidó, Leopoldo López, Julio Borges, Antonio Ledezma and to a certain extent even María Corina herself, but using other channels, such as: supposed activists, think tanks, the written press, new analysts and important thinkers, among others.
As if they were wolves dressed as sheep, La Sayo and ExxonMobil have begun to give life to “new” figures who can put direct pressure on the Trump administration on Venezuela, without being publicly linked to either La Sayo or ExxonMobil. These new actors will have the task of starting a crusade of political activism on American soil so that Trump can set his sights on our country. This involves placing Venezuelan-Americans and certain activists to speak on behalf of the Venezuelan people from the façades of innocent and harmless NGOs or supposed citizen movements.
Diosdado, one of the first activities that these “new lambs” are planning, is a caravan that will supposedly leave from 21 states of the United States heading to Washington DC on March 25 with the excuse of pressuring Trump to: “Stop the Maduro cartel, and protect America.” This is being coordinated by the organization “Independent Venezuelan American Citizens (IVAC)” and they will seek to deliver at least 545 letters to senators and congressmen, Brother, who is funding this? , of course, ExxonMobil and María Corina Machado promotes it, without letting it be seen that they are the ones who have their hands stuck there.
Another way they will use is the hiring of spokespersons from the so-called “think tanks”, that is, think tanks, who will be used to develop documents, forums and events with the objective of promoting the same false and failed narratives that have been against our country and the Bolivarian revolution for 26 years. There you have the case of Juan Carlos Zárate, one of the three people who wrote the report “Venezuelan Oil Sanctions: Less Money Means Less Power”, which was publicly denounced by Vice President Delcy Rodríguez. It turns out that Zárate is part of the CSIS, one of the think tanks closest to the White House.
You also have the case of Joseph M Humire, a man who heads a kind of NGO or space of thought that supposedly analyzes and defends free and secure societies in the hemisphere. It turns out that this man appeared yesterday in the United States Congress, they gave him an audience only to talk about the supposed threat that Nicolás Maduro poses to the national security of that country. Goddess! , if you look at it, they all share the same threat speech. Mr. Humire, who spends a lot of time writing false positives against our country and making publications in important media, stated as an argument that Venezuelan migration to the United States was not accidental but is part of an asymmetric war plan executed by the Venezuelan government, apparently, Mr. Humire, who is also paid by ExxonMobil lobbies, obviously Donald Trump himself in his first government and Joe himself Biden who stimulated Venezuelan migration.
In parallel, to these new faces, thinkers and pseudo-thinkers, who are beginning to flash when talking about Venezuela, THE SECOND LINE OF THE PLAN is being developed, and it has to do with the communication area. It turns out that the communication assassins who have always used Venezuelan extremism and whom we all already know, burned out, lost credibility and have been very exposed because of the failure of their analyses and because of the smoke peddler, so they are going to bet on new approaches.
The new strategy includes looking for new media, new journalists who act “independently”, but they will bet mainly on American media with the objective of giving an air of “veracity and credibility” to supposed press articles, which are nothing more than paid advertising to attack our country, and seeking to have them read in the Oval Office of the White House and Congress, places where neither the rotten sidewalk, nor the big village, nor any of those communication sewers that they sell in Venezuela .
Brother! , the most recent example of what they are trying to do, you have it in the New York Post, a New York-based media outlet that has already entered into this move through journalist Diana Glevoba, who is not a columnist for the media, but a simple reporter who has released two major fake news in less than 10 days: the first one favoring María Corina, claiming that a source, from which he gave no clue or reference, had confirmed that Trump would work in Latin America with Bukele, Milei and with María Corina Machado. The second fake news came out on March 10 talking about an alleged FBI investigation of the non-existent “Cartel de los Soles” but in a version of a criminal gang, that is, since they can't talk about the Aragua Train anymore because that record is already running out, now they are going to invent that anyone they arrest with a gram of drugs is part of the “Band of the Suns”. In this advertisement disguised as an article published in the New York Post, journalists Diana Glebova and Jennie Taer do not give a clue that they have any credible source other than the dollars that ExxonMobil is paying through lobbies, press agents and operators.
But Brother, why use the New York Post? I got it for you: it's one of the media that my friend El Catire Trump often reads in his office. Diosdado, did you know that in the United States it is legal to publish supposedly news content in digital media and newspapers, but are they really advertising articles? That's where he left it for you.
Brother, in short, is all a plan meticulously orchestrated by ExxonMobil and its partner María Corina and company, they want to see bloodshed in Venezuela and then hold on to a “low handle”. We must continue to warn and call our people to their conscience, even though extremism has not been able and will not be able to.
Brother, the administration of my friend El Catire Trump has only been in office for 51 days and the demons have already been unleashed to see who pulls the strings behind power the most. Last Thursday at a Cabinet meeting at the White House, little Marco and Elon Musk had a tough confrontation. Goddess! Although Trump has come out to deny that there is no friction within the administration, I regret to inform you that this is not the case, quite the contrary, little Marco is taking more blows than Muhammad Ali's boxing pear.
My Friend, I tell you that our friend Murphy, the undercover FBI agent, confirmed to me that little Marco swore that he would take revenge on Richard Grenell for his negotiations with Miraflores and his aspiration to also become a special envoy in Cuba. According to Murphy's data, Marquito is operating through the so-called “Cuban Crazys”, which are María Elvira Salazar, Carlos Giménez and Mario Díaz-Balart, whom Rubio called to ask them to sabotage the Grenell negotiations and warn that if they did not cancel Chevron's license, they would retain the votes that Trump needed for the budget agreement and that the House approved by a narrow margin last week.
Murphy says that Rubio's fight over Richard Grenell's head is to the death, but that despite Little Marco's maneuvers to attack Grenell, in the corridors of the White House, Trump still maintains his loyalty to the special envoy, and flies if Rubio's actions don't end up hurting him in the short term. I can tell you that Rubio is playing with Candela, and Trump forgives everything but treason.
As for the three worms in Miami, today, they are not congressmen but the official ambassadors of ExxonMobil to Congress. To them, according to Murphy, the oil company promised to finance their campaigns in the next elections and promote their projects in Cuba, remember that these three Cuban-worms also have their NGOs operating to attack the Cuban revolution and since they were left in limbo after the USAID cut, they appealed for the same path as Sayo: selling their souls to ExxonMobil.
Diosdado, my friend La Michi (who works with Inmundo González) told me on Signal that a wave of repudiation and rejection has begun to rise in Spain against the old chapatín, who only leaves his cave to get drunk in the best restaurants on the Golden Mile in Madrid.
Inmundo has minimized his appearances and statements to the press, for now, he is only scheduled to participate in the CeraWeek 2025 forum to talk about oil, support the oil sanctions imposed by the United States, and together with María Corina they will sell themselves as the saviors of Venezuela.
It is striking that the same oil experts will participate in this forum who brought Venezuela to one of the worst crises in 2002 and paralyzed the oil industry to hit Commander Chávez, the country, to generate a civil war at that time. For the rest, I can reiterate to you that extremism has no plan, they don't know what to do, and their hopes are pinned on ExxonMobil's sadistic plan to see if they can resurrect.