

Alberto Arvelo Torrealba: The Barinese who reflected the customs of the Venezuelan plain (+seeding)

Alberto Arvelo Torrealba
Author of the poem Florentino and the Devil

Published at: 28/03/2024 09:27 AM

On March 28, 1971, the lawyer, educator, poet and writer of the well-known poem Florentino and the Devil, Alberto Arvelo Torrealba, left physically.

In 1935 he graduated as a lawyer and later as a doctor in political science, after having studied at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). He dedicated himself to teaching, teaching Spanish and literature classes in different schools and lyceums in the city of Caracas.

Arvelo Torrealba was appointed government secretary of the Portuguese state in 1937 and president of the Technical Council for Education in 1940, the year in which he also published the first version of the famous poem Florentino and the Devil.

He was president of the state of Barinas between 1941 and 1947. He was also Venezuelan ambassador to Bolivia in 1951, and in 1952 he moved to the country's embassy in Italy. Some time later he retired from politics to dedicate himself completely to literature, publishing studies and poems by various authors. In 1974, after his death, Orlando Araujo published a book about him, entitled Counterpoint of Life and Death: An Essay on the Poetry of Alberto Arvelo Torrealba.

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