

Aircraft linked to drug trafficking crashed in Portuguesa while evading FANB planes

The FANB maintains a firm fight against drug trafficking
Photo: @ dhernandezlarez

Published at: 15/07/2024 08:52 AM

An aircraft, allegedly linked to drug trafficking, crashed in Turen, Portuguese state, while trying to escape the warplanes of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) who intercepted it for having illegally entered our airspace.

This was reported by the strategic operational commander of the FANB, G/J Domingo Hernández Lárez, who explained that the said aircraft was declared hostile, in accordance with the provisions of our current legislation, after it entered our territory with the locator and transponder turned off. In addition, it was hiding their identification plates, so our air defense system was activated.

“When the location was carried out, the current procedures were carried out to persuade him and order him to land in accompaniment, ignoring the orders, trying to evade the combat aircraft of the FANB and proceeding to carry out evasion maneuvers below ground until a forced landing was made in a field in the vicinity of Turen in the Portuguese state,” explained the senior military officer.

In the same way, he pointed out that a deceased crew member, a passport of Mexican nationality, a North American flight license and other materials of criminal interest were located at the scene of the accident.

“It should be noted that on May 10, two aircraft were disabled in this area of interest and a clandestine runway prepared as an airfield and clandestine platform was disabled,” Hernández Lárez recalled.

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