

Agrourban movement activated during a meeting organized by MINPPAU

Movement based on a strategic economic model with an agroecological paradigm

Published at: 06/05/2024 10:00 PM

With the presentation of the conclusions of the 16 established commissions and a declaration that summarizes their work plan for the next 100 days, the First Meeting of the Agrourban Movement of Caracas, held at the facilities of the Venezuelan School of Planning, located in La Rinconada, Bolivarian Liberator municipality of the Capital District, culminated.

During the closing assembly, some spokespersons and spokespersons, from different parishes in Caracas, read out the agreements reached by the Popular Productive Power in the working groups, promoted by the Ministry of Popular Power of Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), in order to promote the official constitution of the said movement.

In this regard, Yonny Rondón, commissioner of the Bioinputs area, began reading the above-mentioned document, stating that the members of the Agrourban Movement declare themselves “anti-imperialists, Bolivarians, Chavistas and profoundly patriots, as the guiding principles of our revolutionary ethics and morality”.

He also stressed that the historic challenge assumed by this socio-economic and political organization contributes to the development of plans, programs and projects in the field of food production and transformation, with the objective of strengthening the agricultural, poultry and livestock economy in urban and peri-urban areas.

“We will build new ways of production aimed at satisfying nutritional and spiritual needs that are sustainable over time... Building networks of producers and final consumers... Based on a strategic economic model with an agroecological paradigm,” said Rondón.

For her part, Nayla Marrero, Commissioner for Mechanization and Technological Innovation, stressed that among the agreements reached is the promotion of a new regenerative productive culture, as well as the establishment of “conuco as a point and circle for the integral development of life, habitat, nature, environment, territory, community and nation”.

Other consensuses achieved are focused on the production of bioinputs in biofactories; creation of parish collection centers for distribution and commercialization; establishment of training schools for the Agrourban Movement at the national level; and the execution of geocultural, political and economic plans based on the vision of Latin American socialism.

During his speech, the Deputy Minister of Training and Agrourban Culture, Saúl Osio Pedret, thanked, on behalf of Minister Jhoanna Carrillo and on his own behalf, the commitment demonstrated by the living agro-urban forces to the government program of President Nicolás Maduro, and invited spokespersons to become multipliers of revolutionary mysticism throughout the national territory.

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