

African Liberation Day: The End of Colonialism and the Birth of a Union

African Liberation Day has helped to raise political awareness in African communities around the world

Published at: 25/05/2024 08:00 AM

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela celebrates this Tuesday, May 25, African Liberation Day, in commemoration of the hard-won emancipation of many African countries against European colonial powers.

African Freedom Day was founded during the first Conference of Independent African States, which attracted leaders and political activists from several African countries to Ghana on April 15, 1958, taking place on May 25, 1963, when 32 leaders of African states met in Addis Ababa to form the Organization of African Unity (OAU), now the African Union (AU).

Between 1958 and 1963, the continent's struggle for liberation intensified and during this period, 17 African countries achieved their independence and finally, in 1960, the Year of Africa was proclaimed.

African Liberation Day has helped to raise political awareness in African communities around the world. It has also been a source of information about the struggle for liberation and development. Many organizations use the outline of the map of Africa as the icon that symbolizes this day.

This day has become a national holiday in many African States, commemorating the union of African peoples, their liberation and, “Africanity”.

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