

Adán Chávez: Hugo liked to share and encourage studying (+Maduro Podcast)

New chapter of the Maduro Podcast
Courtesy Presidential Press

Published at: 21/03/2024 04:02 PM

This Thursday, March 21, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro developed a new interview episode on his Maduro Podcast, this time with Adán Chávez.

During the interview, the brother of the Eternal Commander, Adán, stated that “Hugo Chávez liked to share and encourage study”.

“At school, he began studying the history of Venezuela and was interested right from the start. I always asked dad and his godfather, Eligio Piña, about passages from national history. It struck him a lot to know what is being said about a certain time that Simon Bolivar passed through Sabaneta and had camped in what is now called El Semoruco,” said Adán Chávez.

He said that “Hugo began to be interested in Bolivar, Zamora and Maisanta from those early years and was researching. In fact, dad had a library in the house and at some point he kept an encyclopedia (...) he was the only one who reviewed it. I used it to study, I highlighted it and analyzed it.”

For his part, the Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that Commander Hugo Chávez was fond of encyclopedias and when they went on long trips he always carried two or three of them and showed the trip in them.

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