

According to Ledezma, all opponents who do not support María Corina are “traitors”

Published at: 25/01/2024 12:15 AM

While the “analysts” of the right complain to their “leaders” that over the last few years they have made bad decisions and have execrated, branded as traitors all those who have drawn attention to their mistakes, the “cabal” of the right remains firm in its position to point out everyone who “dare to contradict him”.

One of the dinosaurs that maintains this attitude is the fugitive from justice, Antonio Ledezma, who described as traitors those opponents who understand that María Corina Machado she is unable to be a candidate and they advocate that she abandon her radical position to give way to any other name.

“They want to project to the international community that we are still peeling the daisy, that we are going to question the candidacy of María Corina Machado, that is an act of treason ,said the never well-considered “monster grandfather”.

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