

A symbol to follow! Cabello: Víctor Hugo Morales lived and will live eternally in our hearts

First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello
Photo: Con El Mazo Dando

Published at: 22/01/2024 03:10 PM

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, lamented the physical departure of Frigate Captain Víctor Hugo Morales, “a great revolutionary, a great Venezuelan whose pulse never trembled, a true patriot.”

During the Press Conference of the National Directorate of the PSUV, he assured that Víctor Hugo Morales, lived and will live eternally, “in our hearts and in our memories”

Cabello said that on April 11, 2002, Captain Morales arrived at the Miraflores Palace with his machine gun to defend Commander Hugo Chávez, “a courageous guy, who when no one here in this country dared to raise his voice against the Puntofijista regime, he went out with a group of companions and stood up for this country, he never gave up.”

In that sense, he argued that Víctor Hugo Morales is a symbol to follow, “honor and glory to a great warrior”.

He also sent his condolences to his family and friend.

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