A Peasant Shot by Government Gangs + Other Massacres in the Edo. Lara
Published at: 16/10/2024 09:00 PM
(CLARÍN, October 6, 1962 + WHAT'S HAPPENING in Venezuela, August 7, 1962)
- The peasant Honorio Loyo was shot by armed government gangs and his body, to date, is missing.
- Other peasants, Joel Rodríguez (16 years old) and his father Luis Rodríguez, were also arrested and tortured at the headquarters of these armed gangs in Laguneta, a town in the Edo. Lara.
- At that same time and place, Juan Rodríguez, Antonio Gil and Joaquín Pérez, who were arbitrarily arrested by these armed government groups, were also in danger of being shot.
- What happened in Venezuela, on August 7, 1962, reported, at that time, that there were more than 60 peasants shot.
- The respective complaint was made to Arturo Uslar Pietri, in a letter dated May 28, 1962, signed by democratic spokespersons from that region.
- The text of the report states that Benjamín Montilla was kidnapped in Chabasquén and shot in the mountains of Barzales, Guárico municipality in the Morán District, in the Edo. Lara.
- José Anastasio Alvarado was beaten to death in the hamlet of El Olivo, Bolívar del Dtto municipality. Moran.
- Jesús León Vásquez was executed in the El Coco hamlet.
- Ramón Morán was executed in the hamlet of El Potrero, by an army patrol.
- José Rodríguez was shot in the Quebrada de Oro hamlet. The body of this peasant was incinerated in front of the troop by his executioner, Lt. Taurus.
- Roseliano Colmenares, Isidro Escalona, Dionisio Rodríguez and Matías Colmenares were shot in the Las Cenizas hamlet while they were working on their conucos. This occurred in the municipality of Sanare, Dtto. Jimenez del Edo. Lara.
- Deputy José Herrera Oropeza reported that during these joint deployments of armed government bands, uniformed and dignified people, more than 1,200 arrests were made, with 600 people tortured, 50 women raped, severe damage was caused to rural property, with houses burned and fields razed.
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