

A peace signer assassinated in Colombia

The entity indicated that days before Pérez Ramos had been the subject of an attack in the municipality of Florencia, Caquetá

Published at: 06/12/2023 10:30 AM

The Institute for the Study of Peace Development (INDEPAZ) reported that a peace signer was killed while mobilizing from Ibagué to Cali.

In this regard, he explained that the victim was identified as Wilber Ruber Pérez Ramos, who was in the process of being reincorporated into civilian life.

“This signatory was murdered in the sector known as the Y in the municipality of Calarcá, Quindío,” INDEPAZ said.

In addition, the entity indicated that days earlier Pérez Ramos had been the subject of an attack in the municipality of Florencia, Caquetá.

For its part, the Office of the Ombudsman has issued Early Warning 030/23, in which it points out the risks for people who signed the Peace Agreement in the process of being reincorporated into civil life, because between 2022 and so far in 2023, the Office of the Ombudsman has issued a total of 28 ATs that have identified differential risks for this group subject to special constitutional protection.

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