

A Chavista didn't say it! Gloria Pinho: Edmundo González wasn't coerced, he just wanted to leave

Opponent Gloria Pinho
Internet photo

Published at: 20/09/2024 01:38 PM

The opposition lawyer and lawyer, Gloria Pinho, said that, from her point of view, Edmundo González was not coerced, he just got tired of being a puppet of the extreme right in Venezuela.

“For me, Edmundo was not coerced, the man just wanted to leave. He is a person who has been a puppet, he would get tired of being a puppet and in Spain perhaps he was pressured to give statements and he has to say that he is President. The problem is not that they recognize it outside, but the institutions in Venezuela,” he said during an interview for Venezuela News' Hablando Claro program.

Also, given the speculations that Edmundo will be sworn in on January 10, he indicated that it is not feasible for many reasons. In addition, she noted that she would not recognize “him as President”.

“In order to be sworn in, you must show your face in the National Assembly and you must be in Venezuela. But if you are seeking diplomatic asylum in Spain, that's another question, your candidate should have stayed in Venezuela to defend his vote: To whom are you going to be sworn in?” , he said.

In the same way, he questioned those who are lending themselves today to collect money for a possible intervention in Venezuela. At the same time, he denounced that if it came to power, the extreme right would start a wave of persecution not only for Chavistas, but for opponents who do not think the same way as them.

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