Published at: 20/03/2024 09:00 PM
- 70 years ago, on March 13, 1954, the Tenth Inter-American Conference, meeting at the UCV, approved the Draft Declaration Against Communism.
- At this Tenth Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Secretary of State of the United States, John Foster Dulles, openly pressured all foreign ministers for the approval of a document that would help the country of the north to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations.
- The Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Guillermo Torrello, in his speech, strongly protested the intention of the United States and asked: “Is communism defending national interests? Is communism improving the living conditions of the population? Is it communism to give land to the peasants?”
- The Foreign Minister of Mexico, Luis Padilla Nervo, in his speech, repudiated any attempt at interventionism and reiterated the right of peoples to free self-determination.
- The servility of the other foreign ministers led to the approval of this project proposed by Secretary of the State Department John Foster Dulles.
- With this resolution, Foster Dulles, a lawyer for banana companies, obtained the argument to justify the invasion of Guatemala, on June 18, 1954, and the overthrow of the democratically elected president Jacobo Arbenz.
- The objectives pursued by the State Department, in the voice of Dulles, were none other than to intensify the domination and plunder of natural resources in Latin American countries and to impose new obligations on them that would compromise them in the invasion of Guatemala.
- The declaration also aimed to annihilate the advance of nationalist and anti-imperialist sentiment that was growing in the region. Stopping the rise of pacifist policies and the free self-determination of Peoples.
- John Foster and his younger brother Allan Dulles, Chief Director of the CIA, were lawyers and shareholders of the United Fruit Co., which accounted for more than 50% of Guatemala's fertile soils.
- Both were the authors of the CIA covert operation that overthrew Jacobo Arbenz, which was called “PBSuccess”.
- In 1953, brothers John Foster and Allan Dulles were also the masterminds of the coup against the Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddeq, who had nationalized his country's oil industry. Instead, they imposed the dictatorship of the Shah of Iran, Reza Pahlevi, who reigned until 1979, as a lackey of the United States and England.
- The Dulles brothers were also the authors of the CIA plan, MK-Ultra, for which they hired former Nazi agents and scientists who carried out cruel experiments on American and Canadian civilians.
- Street people, secret CIA agents, and unwary patients in psychiatric clinics were used like laboratory rats to experiment with excessive doses of drugs and electroshocks.
- The MK-Ultra plan was launched on April 13, 1954. It began the spread and mass use of hallucinogenic drugs, cocaine and opiates as weapons of population control within the United States. This contributed to the annihilation of the counterculture movements that emerged in the sixties.
- These same genocidal experiments, now called social engineering, were used a century earlier by England against China, in the so-called Opium War (1856-1860), and by the Nazis in concentration camps. All this with the ultimate objective of eliminating inferior races, so considered by the white supremacists of the Anglo-Saxon “wasp” culture.
- Allan and John Foster Dulles, in 1933, were also financiers of the electoral campaign that brought Adolf Hitler to power. A fact that they later tried to delete their files by all possible means at their disposal.
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