

62 years of blockade against Cuba: The most protracted and inhumane imperial aggression against a country

The United States disguised this aggression as a supposed defense of “the principles of the inter-American system” because the empire did not welcome Cuba's relations with socialist countries.

Published at: 07/02/2024 08:00 AM

On February 7, 1962, the United States (USA) imposed the economic blockade against the Cuban people, four days after the hegemonic measure was decreed by President John F. Kennedy.

The United States disguised this aggression as a supposed defense of “the principles of the inter-American system”, because the empire did not welcome Cuba's relations with socialist countries.

The truth is that since that Kennedy decree, Cubans have suffered a criminal economic siege with the objective of “causing disappointment and discouragement through economic dissatisfaction and hardship (...) weakening economic life by denying Cuba money and supplies in order to reduce nominal and real wages, cause hunger, despair and the overthrow of the government”, as stated by the Undersecretary of State, Lester D. Mallory, on April 6, 1960.

This evidences a violation of international law, a policy of isolation and economic pressure on the part of the United States.

In addition, with the media war, they have tried to break the morals of the Antillean people. However, the Caribbean country has not allowed itself to buckle in these six decades of blockade.

Today, Commander Fidel Castro Ruz's Revolution is more alive than ever and will defend his vision, his policy of solidarity on every stage, and he will continue to condemn this criminal blockade and demand an end to this inhumane American policy.

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