

6 years ago the People ratified Nicolás Maduro as president: Revolutionary Loyalty

President Maduro reiterated his call for National Dialogue after his victory in the elections.
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Published at: 20/05/2024 08:56 AM

On May 20, 2018, Nicolás Maduro Moros was re-elected as constitutional president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by the will of the people.

“Thank you for making me president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the period 2019-2025 (...) democracy is the way and today they have demonstrated it to the world. Today was a historic day for our country. I am and will be President of each and every Venezuelan. Know that everyone is counting on me,” said the National President.

With 68% of the votes, President Maduro was ratified by Venezuelans, while the opposition Henri Falcón obtained 21.2%.

President Maduro reiterated his call for National Dialogue after his victory in the elections.

“To Henri Falcón, to Javier Bertucci (...) To all the opposition leaders that we meet, meet and talk about Venezuela, I invite you here and I take responsibility for this call,” he said.

After the aggressions of the fascist acts perpetrated by the opposition in 2017, the Venezuelan people expressed their commitment in 2018 to Commander Chávez to elect Nicolás Maduro again , a triumph that demonstrates the example of the gallantry of Venezuelans who want to live in peace and democracy.

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