

55 years ago Muammar Gaddafi launched the Green Revolution in Sebba

Muamar Gaddafi

Published at: 01/09/2024 08:45 AM

On September 1, 1969, Colonel Muamar Gaddafi began an insurrection in Sebba that overthrew the monarchy of King Idris. He immediately established a council of the revolution that declares the country Muslim, Nasserist and socialist, known as the Green Revolution.

“In today's world, all political regimes are the result of the struggle waged by the different systems of government to achieve power, whether this peaceful or armed struggle, such as class, sect, tribe, party or individual struggle, is always liquidated by the success of one of those systems, individual, group, party or class and by the defeat of the people, and consequently, the defeat of true democracy”, points out the Green Paper, the guide to this revolution.

Gaddafi would win imperial hatred by eliminating American and British military bases and imposing limitations on some 60 transnational oil firms in the country. Just as he declared that the Libyan State would assume control of oil production.

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