

44th Anniversary of the CICPC Special Actions Brigade is commemorated

Remigio Ceballos Vice President of Public Security

Published at: 03/04/2024 05:25 PM

This Wednesday, the Sectorial Vice President for Citizen Security and Peace, AJ. On his 44th anniversary, Remigio Ceballos Ichaso praised the work of the men and women of the Research Support Unit, known as the Special Actions Brigade (BAE) of the Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC), who are in charge of the path of safeguarding and protecting the Venezuelan people against organized crime.

In the same way, the Minister of People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace (MPPRIJP), said that “this is a significant day for the CICPC, because of the hard work over these years where commitment, ethics, discipline and many values have prevailed; without a doubt, these public security officials risk their lives to protect the law and the lives of Venezuelans against all types of crime.”

From the facilities of the José Chino Khan theater, the Admiral in Chief emphasized that Venezuela is a free and independent and sovereign nation. “We have experienced several important events that highlight the participation of the BAE, in the Civic-Military-Police Union as part of the guarantee of Human Rights and the security of the nation.”

During the Central Act, 27 investigations of the Olympus 14 promotion were accredited for having completed the Combat Shooting course; awards were also given to the officials of this Unit for their outstanding work; as well as to special guests and representatives of the Great Peace Quadrants Mission, the Special Tactical Operations Unit of the Bolivarian National Police Corps (UOTE) and the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN).

The head of the country's Public Security portfolio, stressed that “we have achieved great achievements, such as Operation Grand Cacique Guaicaipura, a rigorous, coordinated, planned and executed precisely on instructions from the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, to restore order in the Penitentiary System, which allowed these spaces to be freed from crime.”

“Thanks to the arrival of Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez, who gave the CICPC the historical relevance attached to the Magna Carta, in Article 332, like no other National President had done in Venezuela,” concluded the Sectorial Vice President.

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