

3x3 communal mini court inaugurated for young people from Los Cangilones de La Vega in Caracas

This court is the first sports space inaugurated by the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism in 2024

Published at: 31/01/2024 05:26 PM

The Bolivarian Government inaugurated a sports court in the “El Renacer de Bolívar” commune, in Los Cangilones de La Vega, Caracas in order to benefit more than 125 young people from this community.

This work was carried out in perfect union with the young population of the sector, the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism of the City Council of Caracas.
In this regard, Jesús García, president of the CPIU, assured that it is the first sports space to be inaugurated in 2024, and that they continue with the task of serving the youth of Caracas, following the guidelines of President Nicolás Maduro as well as the mayor Carmen Meléndez.

“In this year 2024 it is the first one we inaugurated. In 2023 we recovered and inaugurated nine, for the first quarter of 2024 we have planned a projection to recover two in February and two more in March,” he said.

He added that the work of recovering and installing the implements was carried out in approximately two months, thanks to the organization and coordination with the youth of the commune.

He said that as part of the execution process of each work, the Infrastructure Commission collaborates with various State institutions to obtain the materials for the recovery of these spaces. “And once the community has the materials in their territory, they organize themselves into brigades to carry out their works, written in their Concrete Agenda for Action (ACA).”

García explained that the young people who participated in this work are part of the spokespersons of the community council; sports organizations in the sector, spokespersons and spokespersons of the commune, together with the technicians of the Infrastructure Commission, who proposed this recovery as one of the priorities in Los Cangilones.

He also stated that it is a court that was made from scratch. “There was nothing in the territory, it was a vacant lot and we built it from scratch. It has a wall so that it had the ideal height, the floor, its slab, walls, ring, panel, lighting and all the fencing with fencing, door and regulations; the young people have a new and remodeled court that we inaugurated during a beautiful activity”.

Finally, the president of the Permanent Commission on Infrastructure and Urbanism stressed that this activity is part of the initiation of several specific actions on the street, with the people, to give the People's Power the opportunity to carry out its works, as President Maduro has guided him. “And within the framework of the seven transformations that the President calls on us, because acting in the territory is what allows these transformations to materialize in the country in the face of this new cycle that is heading towards 2030,” he said.

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