

23 years ago, Commander Chávez reinstated Venezuelan women to the FANB

The role of Venezuelan women has been a protagonist in this revolutionary process, thanks to the feminist character of Commander Chávez and continued by President Nicolás Maduro.

Published at: 05/02/2024 08:02 AM

On February 5, 2001, Venezuelan women returned to the Bolivarian Armed Forces (FANB), thanks to Commander Hugo Chávez.

This was because the process of registering women to this military body was suspended in 1989, 11 years later, on June 24, 2000, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution announced the inclusion of women in the FANB.

“Continue to break with the anachronistic paradigms imposed by the Fourth Republic,” Chávez said during the incorporation ceremony on February 5, 2001.

This gesture by Commander Chávez marked a milestone in the history of the Military Academy.

With the Revolution, a series of transformations began in the FANB to include and vindicate the role of women as an essential part of the different components that guarantee the country's security, said Chief Admiral Carmén Meléndez, the first woman promoted to this position in the history of Venezuela and Latin America, in statements in 2015 on the television program at the time, Cilia en Familia.

“Women, in addition, within the FANB have achieved a process of humanization,” said the admiral.

The role of Venezuelan women has been a protagonist in this revolutionary process thanks to the feminist character of Commander Chávez and continued by President Nicolás Maduro.

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