

222 years ago the Liberator married María Teresa del Toro

On May 26, 1802, Simón Bolívar and María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alayza married in Madrid, Spain.
Photo: Internet

Published at: 26/05/2024 08:20 AM

On May 26, 1802, Simón Bolívar and María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alayza married in Madrid, Spain.

Bolívar began his relationship with María Teresa when he was just 17 years old. He presented it as “a jewel without defects, valuable without calculation”.

Young Simon formally proposed to María Teresa on April 5, 1802. María Teresa's widowed father, appeased by the formal commitment and probably also because of the groom's assets valued at about 200,000 euros, gave his permission and blessing to the couple.

According to the customs of the time, a cost had to be paid for the girls with whom one wanted to marry, this conventionalism did not devalue in any way the love of both.

In this regard, and considering his distinguished birth, his virginity, his personal qualities and his willingness to leave Spain to accompany Bolívar, the lawyers of the future liberator valued their fiancée at 100,000 reais.

For this union to take place, Don Pedro Rodríguez del Toro and Don Luis Quijada y Moreno, Marquis of Inicio, Count of Rebolledo, chief accountant of the Kingdoms and secretary of the Provincial Council, served as witnesses.

On June 15, 1802, the newlyweds left for Caracas, disembarking on July 12 in La Guaira.

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