

206 years ago, the Liberator Simon Bolivar founded El Correo del Orinoco

The Orinoco Post Office informed nations of the military and political achievements of the Republic of Colombia, which helped as an instrument in international relations, since it had contents in English and French.

Published at: 27/06/2024 08:14 AM

On June 27, 1818, the Liberator Simon Bolivar, during the Third Republic, founded El Correo del Orinoco, a patriotic medium with the objective of counteracting the Gazette of Caracas, which was at the service of the Spanish Crown.

The Orinoco Post Office informed nations of the military and political achievements of the Republic of Colombia, which helped as an instrument in international relations, since it had contents in English and French.

“As an artillery of thought, mass educator of today and tomorrow, spokesperson for the creation of a new economic order and international information from the point of view of our interests, prosecutor of public morals and restraint of passions, vigilant against all guilty excesses and omissions, a catechism of moral and civic virtues, a spontaneous court and organ of thought of others,” said Bolívar on August 4, 1826 in a letter to José Antonio Páez in which he explained the importance and the usefulness of this medium.

“We are free, we write in a free country and we don't intend to deceive the public”, under this slogan, the Orinoco Post Office spread through the streets of Caracas, whose format is 31 centimeters high by 32 in width, composed of two columns and circulated with this design until number 11 on September 5 of the same year. After number 12, the weekly magazine became larger, it was laid out 36 centimeters wide by 24 centimeters high, so it was presented in three columns, so it was published until its end, which was number 128 of March 23, 1822.

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