205 years ago, the Congress of Angostura decreed freedom for slaves.


Published at: 11/01/2025 08:52 AM
On January 11, 1820, the Congress of Angostur, decreed the absolute freedom of the slaves who populated the lands of Venezuela and New Granada, which united at that time formed Gran Colombia.
This decision, taken following the guidelines of the Liberator Simon Bolivar, meant a light for the Continent because it was the first Congress to enact a resolution that recognized equality between men, but that also condemned those who put into practice this disastrous legacy of European colonialism.
Below is the full text of the Decree:
The sovereign congress, taking into consideration the two proclamations in which General Bolivar, then supreme leader of the Republic of Venezuela, declared the freedom of slaves, first with some modifications, and then complete and absolute, has recognized with mature meditation and agreement, that this measure, dictated by justice and demanded by nature, requires, in order to be carried out in an advantageous way to the country and to themselves, various preparatory provisions that in those circumstances it was impossible to take. It is necessary, in the state of ignorance and moral degradation to which this unfortunate portion of humanity is reduced, it is necessary in such a state to make men before becoming citizens. It is equally necessary to provide them with their livelihood with freedom, opening up a vast field for their industry and activity, to prevent crimes and corruption, which continue everywhere to misery and idleness. The congress, considering freedom as the light of the soul, also believed that it should be given to them in degrees, such as those who regain their body sight, that they are not suddenly exposed to all the splendor of the day. Experience has proven the accuracy of this comparison. Guided by its lessons, the congress intended to follow the following course:
1. Solemnly recognize, as it has done in the constitution, the sacred principle that man cannot be the property of another man.
2. Prefix a prudent term within which slavery would in fact be completely extinct, as it is abolished by law.
3. Actively promote the first civilization of slaves, through various institutions, teaching children to read and write, giving everyone in general some idea of social duties, inspiring them to love work and public virtues; and making the more or less prompt possession of their freedom depend on themselves.
4. Keep in it those who have already obtained it, and grant it subsequently to those who apply to serve in the military, know some art or profession, manifest a particular skill or talent, or are distinguished by their honesty, conduct and patriotism.
5. Of course, put an end to the introduction of new slaves.
6° Form a census of those existing in the estates, and assign a certain proportional utility to their products, committing themselves to cultivating them for a certain number of years; in which case they will be considered as free servants but addicted to that plantation or herd for the stipulated time.
7° Form an effective compensation fund for property owners who have not lost their right to it, for having taken up arms against their country or for another just cause.
As the execution of this plan required various establishments, institutions, resources and resources, the congress was busy organizing everything, so that within the precise term of five years, the total extinction of slavery in all of Venezuela would have been achieved, when extraordinary events gave a new existence and colossal form to the Republic. It was already necessary to work on other dimensions, to conceive another, larger plan, and to restart the work with new materials, just at the time when it had to put an end to its legislative tasks, leaving such austere functions for the national representation of Colombia, which must meet at the beginning of next year, in accordance with the fundamental law.
For all these considerations, the sovereign congress was kind enough to suspend until the following year the plan that was proposed for the absolute extinction of that of slavery; and in the meantime, it has come to decree and decree the following:
Article 1 Slavery is abolished by right, and its total extinction will in fact be verified within the precise term and by such prudent, just and philanthropic means as the General Congress may decide at its next meeting.
Article 2 In the meantime, things will remain in the same state as they are today, in each of the three departments of the Republic, without the slightest news being made in the province or anywhere, those who have obtained it remain at large, and those who are in servitude are waiting to receive it from the general congress.
Article 3 However, those who are called to arms by the President of the Republic or who perform some distinguished service, will of course come into possession of their freedom, taking into account and reason for the compensation that may be due.
Article 4 The introduction of slaves into the territory of the Republic, either for trade or for establishment, is prohibited under the fine of $1,000 per individual.
Article 5. By making the Republic a profession of respecting the laws, customs and customs of all nations, it is declared that every fugitive slave from a foreign country shall be imprisoned and returned to his master, punishable by the penalty of paying his estimate with the expenses and damages to those who have favored his coming, and to those who hide and protect them.
The supreme executive branch will understand it, and it will do what is necessary to comply with it.
The second examination of the draft decree on the recognition and liquidation of the national debt followed, and the observations that occurred were noted, and it was agreed that, with the presence of all of them, it would be drafted for the next session, thus ending the present one.
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