

203 years ago, Maracaibo declared itself free and independent and joined the Bolivarian Project

Simón Bolívar and Rafael Urdaneta directed the independence feat from a distance

Published at: 28/01/2024 08:01 AM

On January 28, 1821, the then governor Francisco Delgado declared the independence of Maracaibo through a coup against the Spanish yoke by local patriots, led by Simón Bolívar and Rafael Urdaneta.

Delgado informed the Liberator on the 29th: “I have the honor of announcing to Your Excellency that at 5 in the morning yesterday, this town has shaken the flag of the Republic, proclaiming the Most Illustrious City Hall with the troops of this garrison under my command and a great support from the people, their absolute independence from the Spanish government...”.

In the same way, the governor of the province writes to General Urdaneta: “Mr. General, with the greatest satisfaction I have the honor of announcing to you the regeneration of our political state, now comprising a single people, and defending the same cause with the Republic of Colombia, to which of our spontaneous will we have submitted ourselves, convinced of our rights so long stifled by the tyranny of a despotic government. Your delicate attention required justice to satisfy me with this single statement; but the particular circumstances of our reform impose on me the duty to participate in the satisfaction and honor of this people, having been proclaimed the most solemn independence at dawn on the 28th, with the best success and without the slightest obstacle to its establishment. Willing this neighborhood to sacrifice its lives to achieve the enjoyment of human rights, it has not omitted proof with its courage, fearlessness and enthusiasm to prove its adherence to the new system of government, showing in its faces and acclamations the most heroic patriotism. I do not omit to tell you how interesting the presence of your person is in this town, which has the glory of achieving your freedom under the immediate protection of a deserving son, whose particular circumstances, regardless of the virtues that adorn you, would be enough to excite even the most dazzled”.

In this way, 202 years ago, Maracaibo embraced the Bolivarian Project.

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