

2010: At the Summit of the Unity of Latin America and the Caribbean, the creation of CELAC was proposed

The Summit was held in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

Published at: 23/02/2024 08:00 AM

On February 23, 2010, during the Summit of the Unity of Latin America and the Caribbean in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, the creation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was proposed.

A year later, on December 2, 2011, Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez presided over the First CELAC Summit in Caracas, and accompanied by Latin American leaders, they laid the foundation stone for the consolidation of true unity.

“We want CELAC, within its vocation of cooperation, to help feed a vicious circle that we have to conceive and that offers benefits to all. We, too, are a region of peace and we must be proud of that, because in fact we are a zone of peace, a zone free of weapons of mass destruction, a region and an area that cultivates the path of understanding and consensus and that is not tempted by tax solutions from one country to another. We learn to deal with our differences through dialogue and we will only be able to maintain this process if we continue on the path of dialogue,” said Commander Chávez.

CELAC is a regional integration organization created to respond to the need for efforts between Latin American and Caribbean States, in order to advance unity and political, economic, social and cultural integration; to increase social welfare, quality of life, and economic growth in the region, and to promote independent and sustainable development, based on democracy, equity and the broadest social justice.

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