

2002: Commander Hugo Chávez launched the Law on Special Zones for Sustainable Development

Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez

Published at: 26/01/2024 08:09 AM

On January 26, 2002, Commander Hugo Chávez launched the Special Zones for Sustainable Development Act.

The purpose of this law is to regulate the creation, operation and suppression of Special Zones for Sustainable Development, only for the purpose of implementing State plans to promote the development of productivity and adequate exploitation of resources, raising the levels of social welfare and quality of life of the population.

In addition, special sustainable development zones were established in Mérida, Táchira, Trujillo and Zulia.

“Congratulations to Mérida, El Vigía, Trujillo, Táchira and the state of Zulia. To the people of Zuliano, to the Trujillanos to the people of Merida, to the people of Tachirense, my congratulations. Today, one of the special development zones that is called to be an emporium, not only of Venezuela, but of South America, has been born and activated,” said Commander Chávez.

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