

2000: Commander Hugo Chávez was sworn in before the Bolivarian Constitution of Venezuela

Commander Hugo Chávez was sworn in before the new Constitution approved by the people in December 1999
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Published at: 19/08/2024 08:09 AM

On August 19, 2000, Commander Hugo Chávez was sworn in before the new Constitution approved by the people in December 1999, becoming the first president of the Fifth Republic.

“I swear before this revolutionary Bolivarian Constitution that I will fight tirelessly with our People, always together with our People, to fulfill and enforce the mandates of the Bolivarian Revolution contained by popular mandate in this Constitution,” Chávez said before the National Parliament.

It should be noted that on December 30, 1999, the Bolivarian Constitution entered into force, seven months later (July 30), the Magna Carta requires the re-legitimation of all Public Powers. Chávez is ratified with almost 60% of the popular vote.

Venezuela is rising on new foundations,” said William Lara, president of the National Assembly at the time, when he received the presidential band.

24 years after this historic event, the Bolivarian Revolution has been strengthened thanks to the creative legacy of Commander Chávez.

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