

1816: The Liberator Simon Bolivar is proclaimed Supreme Head of the Republic and its Armies

This marked the beginning of the Third Republic of Venezuela
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Published at: 06/05/2024 08:40 AM

On May 6, 1816, El Libertador Simón Bolívar was proclaimed Supreme Chief of the Republic and its Armies , after being victorious in the naval battle of Los Frailes, in which Luis Brión's squad came out triumphant and captures the Spanish brig El Intrépido and the schooner Rita.

“As independent peoples have done me the honor of entrusting myself with supreme authority, I have not come to give you laws, but I ask you to hear my voice, I recommend the unity of the Government and absolute freedom, we cannot be free and slaves at the same time,” said the Father of the Fatherland during the proclamation.

In addition, in his speech, El Libertador proclaimed the end of the war to the death, the forgiveness of the Spaniards who surrendered and the freedom of black slaves. This marked the beginning of the Third Republic of Venezuela, whose historical period runs from 1816 to 1819.

The assembly was held in Santa Ana del Norte, on Margarita Island, with the assistance of Santiago Mariño, elected second Chief; Manuel Piar, Gregor McGregor and Carlos Soublette.

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