

17 years ago Robert Serra demonstrated his fiery verb for the first time and on national television

At just 20 years old, Serra raised his voice on national television for the first time, three years later he became the youngest member of parliament in the country's history.

Published at: 07/06/2024 08:11 AM

On June 7, 2007, the young Robert Serra appeared for the first time in the public spotlight during an ordinary session in the National Assembly (AN), where he demonstrated his fiery verb as part of the golden generation born to defend the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Here is the future of this country (...) this youth is the guarantee of the revolution beyond 2021 it hurts whoever hurts”, words that resounded throughout the chamber of the National Parliament by Serra, who at that time was studying law at the Andrés Bello Catholic University.

While the opposition students who wanted to create a matrix of opinion for the non-renewal of the RCTV concession, claiming that the supposed censorship of the channel threatened freedom of expression, did not want to speak to the whole country in the chamber of the AN; an action that demonstrated a media show and part of a script planned by the right.

“As a result of the undemocratic attitude of that sector (...) there is no need to prove anything, we already know what democracy they are talking about to the country, we already know what democracy they defend (...) they don't want democracy, they are afraid of the debate, my friend,” he said.

In this regard, Serra criticized the opposition student sector for the lack of seriousness they demonstrated.

“How is it possible that they ask the Legislative Branch for the right to speak, where there is a country that is waiting for them to hear their proposal and they don't speak. Is that the proposal they give to the country?” , he emphasized.

He also highlighted the decision not to renew the concession to RCTV. “What more democracy than opening up to the people a radio spectrum that is ours? Marcel Granier had the dictatorship,” he said, while calling for opposition to reflection.

At just 20 years old, Serra raised his voice for the first time on national television, and three years later he became the youngest member of parliament in the country's history. Today, the revolutionary people remember the memory of this patriot, who left an indelible legacy of struggle, being an example for the thousands of young people who, under their banner of struggle, work to make the Bolivarian Revolution irreversible.

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