

14 years ago, Commander Chávez created the Bolivarian Military University of Venezuela

This Alma Mater continues to forge the men and women of arms who defend the Homeland with high Bolivarian principles

Published at: 03/09/2024 08:11 AM

On September 3, 2010, during an event commemorating the bicentenary of the Academy, Commander Hugo Chávez signed the decree for the creation of the Bolivarian Military University of Venezuela (UMBV).

The UMBV, as a major academic unifying project for all components of the FANB, began to implement the Simon Bolivar Curriculum. In this way, incorporating the Bolivarian ideology framed in civic-military union.

“This is much more than a change of name, it is a change of structure that will include the four armed forces. This will constitute the first structure of the Military University, but the vision goes beyond that,” said Commander Chávez.

This Alma Mater continues to forge armed men and women who defend the Homeland with high Bolivarian principles.

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