

11 years ago, FAO recognized Venezuela for reducing the prevalence of undernutrition

The CLAP is a policy of the Bolivarian Government
Courtesy Internet

Published at: 16/06/2024 08:44 AM

On June 16, 2013, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, received the recognition that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) grants to Venezuela for being among the group of 15 countries that have made exceptional progress in reducing the prevalence of undernutrition.

“On behalf of the people of Venezuela, we want to thank our Venezuelan homeland for the sustained efforts made to combat hunger in our country. We have received this recognition, not only in the name of our people, but also in the name of the man who made possible the fight against hunger in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez,” said the National President during the organization's 38th Conference, which took place in Rome, Italy.

Currently, President Maduro continues to protect the Venezuelan people through Local Supply and Production Committees (Clap), among other social programs in the face of coercive measures imposed by the United States.

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