

First Justice leaders fight over the helm of a ship doomed to shipwreck

Published at: 24/04/2024 11:33 PM

At press conferences and interviews, fights continue between “vigilante friends”. These individuals, all hungry for power, do not hide their mutual hatred. For more than two decades, they have sabotaged their own efforts, playing to see who is at the helm of a ship doomed to wreck.

Between their rivalries and disproportionate egos, the fight for control of the Justice First party has become fiercer than ever. Despite the promises of unity and collaboration, the reality is that each of them seeks their own benefit, regardless of the consequences. The result is a show in which they carry with them the hopes of their followers.

In this theater of ambition, each actor tries to harm the other in a competition for the leadership of a ship that has already capsized. The irony of calling them “vigilantes” is evident when their actions reflect everything but justice.

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