


07/09/2024 08:41 AM
1846: Ezequiel Zamora takes up arms in Aragua under the slogan: Land and free men!

07/09/2024 08:08 AM
José Laurencio Silva: The winner of historic battles (+birth)

06/09/2024 08:00 AM
The Jamaican Charter: Vision of the Liberator Who Dreamed of the Unity of Peoples

06/09/2024 08:00 AM
Battle of the Alacrán: The chiefs Tupepe and Manaure defeat the Spanish Empire

05/09/2024 08:00 AM
14 years ago Hugo Chávez declared the Sanctuary of Cristo de la Grita Cultural Heritage

05/09/2024 08:00 AM
Bartolina Sisa: Immortal War that lives in the struggles of the Peoples (+seeding)

05/09/2024 08:00 AM
Indigenous Women's Day: Vindicated in Revolution

04/09/2024 08:08 AM
Santiago Mariño: Tireless warrior who never left the patriotic ranks (+seeding)

04/09/2024 08:03 AM
Ángel Custodio Loyola: El Cantor del Llano (+birth)

03/09/2024 08:11 AM
14 years ago, Commander Chávez created the Bolivarian Military University of Venezuela

03/09/2024 08:08 AM
Galeano: Teacher who awakened the conscience of the Peoples with his literary works (+Christmas)

03/09/2024 08:04 AM
Bolivarian Military Academy: Heart of the Revolution (+anniversary)

02/09/2024 08:08 AM
VEA diary: 21 years of communication battle

02/09/2024 08:04 AM
Ho Chi Minh: Guide to Vietnamese Democracy (+seeding)

02/09/2024 08:00 AM
Vietnam's independence was proclaimed 79 years ago

01/09/2024 08:45 AM
55 years ago Muammar Gaddafi launched the Green Revolution in Sebba

31/08/2024 08:05 AM
60 years ago, Mucuchí was declared a dog breed native to Venezuela

31/08/2024 08:03 AM
Tania Bunke: Anti-imperialist Warrior Who Lives in the Heart of Peoples (+seeding)

29/08/2024 08:00 AM
Laudelino Mejías: Most Outstanding Band Director of the 20th Century

29/08/2024 08:00 AM
August 29: International Day against Nuclear Tests